5 Extra Questions To Ask When Reviewing ERP Software

Courtney Cerniglia
9 min readDec 8, 2020
Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

ERP System selection is a daunting, involved process. You’re seeking to implement a tool that will drastically impact the standard operations of your business. It’s difficult to navigate the initial conversations with suppliers to see if a solution is a fit for you because most of them are focused on showing you the best version and operability of the software in order to close the sale. With the investment on the line and the impact it will have on your business, you must be diligent in a thorough review.

Much of the discovery conversations will be based on the key functionality you need the system to do. Rightly so, for if your basic transactions aren’t accomplished in the software it can wreak havoc on your business. There are zillions of resources for what to ask to make sure you have the right functionality in an ERP.

What I want to share here is a few extra questions to ask right at the end — when you have the best chance of including these elements in your agreement and to keep your team aware of potential challenges you’ll have post-implementation. These questions will save you from unexpected surprises once you’re using the software and help you create budgets and plans to take care of the software and your users into the future.

Question 1: What does admin and user training look like during implementation and after?

Why This Matters: You want to create a plan that maximizes the time you have during the project, while setting yourself up for success in the future.

If it takes nine weeks to implement and you only get a few hours of training at the end, something isn’t right. You'll want to know what to expect for training and prepare for it. If the training is anticipated to be user-focused and short, then you’ll want to bring in potential system admins during implementation to learn as they go. That way, they have adequate time to work with the implementation team, ask questions, and potentially even try certain workflows themselves in the test software. Knowing this also gives you the chance to request more training now, instead of later. It’s much more likely you’ll get added training included in your project for “free” while you’re in the project, versus requesting after installation.

Some of my biggest regrets in new implementations happened when I waited until after implementation to get started on training. Knowledge is powerful, you can make better decisions if you more familiar with how the software is built and what impacts what. Then, when you get to final training, you can get more in-depth insight rather than listening to:“Here’s the login page.” Instead, details on data import/export, system maintenance, and other admin best practices. Training like this saves you from the annoyance of sitting in queues with support tickets for simple updates and fixes (and paying for them).

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Question 2: Are there any established user groups for their users?

Why This Matters: User groups are like giant pools of free help and advice. If they have them, this is a bonus. If they don’t, you’ll want to ask why.

When you have a group you can go to to ask questions and offer advice, you become a better admin/user. Often, the help comes for free and faster than what the software company can provide.

I’ve worked with both types of companies — one that had a superior user community and one that had nothing. I loved the user group version, as I was regularly exposed to real companies using the software in different ways. This inspired us to discover new ways to use the system. When using the software without a user group, it often became difficult to figure out how to apply a feature to our business processes. The software company was a resource, but their staff often struggled to explain how to use the technology beyond the standard practice (big fail!).

If you’re an admin who wants to master a software and go off on your own consulting, choose a software without a user group. You’ll have unlimited work! (Har, har…)

Question 3: What is the typical lead time for projects after implementation?

Why This Matters: New implementations bring a big sale ticket value to software companies, and in turn, get a lot of support and attention. After install, however, it’s not always easy or quick to get the support you need.

This question comes from bad experiences, unfortunately. All excited for our new ERP system to launch, we made a number of forward-looking plans for improvements we’d make in a second or third phase: Integrations, new features the company themselves shared, and further implementations into our business. Implementation went great — we seemed to have their full attention and it launched on time. Three months later, when we tried to initiate some of those Phase 2 projects, we were met with 3-week lead times for quotes. Just the quotation!!!

We wanted to move fast, but the software support team did not. This left a real sour taste in our mouths and frankly, it sucked. Nothing is worse than thinking you’ll knock a project out in 3–4 weeks, to be met with a timeline of 2+ months. What I’ve come to notice, is many software companies or even implementation partners, aren’t well equipped to support post-implementation projects with the same gusto as your initial installation. The best way to plan for that is to know up front what to expect so you can get started sooner.

Long lead times for work is an awful surprise. We found that the salesperson initially was promising the world, when in fact, reality was much different after the sale was complete. Remember when you asked how many companies were using their software, and they smiled and said “We’re in 45 countries and have thousands of installs!” Well, that also means they have to support all of those companies, and if they don’t have a well-built support team and procedures then you know you’ll be waiting in queue for awhile.

This is all OK if you are prepared for it. For example, you may be able to get your answers in other ways (user groups?). Asking during discovery is important so you can make sure you make the most of training/learning opportunities during implementation with the right users immediately, versus training them later. You’ll also want to be aware of how hard it is to customize internally — proprietary code use or complicated backend systems are warning signs you’ll need external support unless you’re an in-house IT whiz.

Being clear about the ongoing expectations with the software company will help you manage that risk of project delays down the line and the added frustrations of not getting the help you need when you need it.

Photo by Taylor Grote on Unsplash

Question 4: Can we contact 3–5 of your current customers?

Why It Matters: The reaction and depth of answers of these references will tell you more than the software’s salesperson may ever admit.

Always ask for references. You’ll be able to hear from companies like yours that are using the software day to day and ask specific questions related to any areas you’re concerned with. For starters, you should as questions 1–3 and see if their answers based on their actual experience match what the software salesperson said. It’s not uncommon to hear from a salesman that support returns calls within 24 hours, only to hear from a user that it took weeks to finish a support issue.

In one software review, the references we were given couldn’t answer a number of questions related to the backend administration of the software. We didn’t know it at the time, but this was a red flag. References like this signal that the user is maintaining basic use of the software. They did not have the level of IT experience in-house that we had, and it caused problems down the line for us as we wanted to be more proactive in our use of the software.

It’s in the software company’s best interest to connect you to references that mirror your potential project, ex. manufacturer to manufacturer. If they can’t provide 3–5 references similar to you, take it as a sign that they haven’t done much work in that field or application.

Dig in— Don’t just ask about how their implementation went (“It went good”) or how they like the software (“Yea we like it!”), but instead how they manage the system today, if they’ve done follow up projects, if they’ve gotten support, and if their internal admins are using all functions of the system.

For an example of where this matters, we got glowing reviews from a solo-admin, but realized she only managed what was set up during implementation — so much of the additional function and support on post-launch projects didn’t level up for us in light of her glowing reviews.

Question 5: Who will our team’s super users be?

Why It Matters: Knowing who your super users are ahead of time will help you prioritize their needs and ensure a successful adoption.

In Seth Godin’s project framework, “Ship It Journal,” he identifies a section of project planning that asks the question: “Who is essential to the project’s success?” This question, among others about who will be involved, able to stop the project, and who you can even ignore, helps you identify who really matters to the project’s success. Then, he asks you to highlight the names of people who have a history supporting similar initiatives.

If you follow that exercise for an ERP implementation, you’ll uncover your superusers — the people that are open to new ideas and change, will embrace the new initiative, and provide valuable feedback to you throughout the project. You’ll want these people on board from the get-go.

“Superuser,” does not necessarily mean department head, manager, Chief X Officer, or other title-based roles. Superusers can be from any tier on the org chart, in any department that will be a critical stakeholder in using the new ERP software. For example, consider engaging an entry-level purchasing agent or customer service representative. These people will likely rely on the tool daily to complete their job, and including them early will help you ensure the process is smooth for them start to finish.

Also, mind not to exclude anyone that will be important at a later date. It will be much harder to incorporate them post-launch when you don’t have the support of the software firm anymore. One area I see this happen the most is in a CRM portion of the ERP. Twice in implementation, CRM functionality was excluded from the initial scope and handled later. Each time, imperative customer data was lost or mis-assigned, leading not only to a laborious clean up, but also a setback when the company wanted to engage the CRM functionality. It is much more efficient to spend the few hours it’d take to set this (and its superuser) up for success initially instead of treat it as an afterthought.

And for the record, if your response to this is, “We don’t want to involve that person, it’ll only muddle the scope.” Then, my friend, you’re choosing the wrong superuser. Find someone who has a history of being helpful and supportive of projects like this in each key department.

Superusers are admin godsends because they tend to take personal responsibility for making sure the system is used and works for their role or team. They’re committed to using the software and can often vouch for its shortcomings or best features. They can also help you filter useful user feedback versus simply complaining.

In the future use of the software, you can also rely on these super users. They may be able to provide important support if you’re a solo admin and take on more system administration duties (like onboarding new users on their teams) and help you manage the workload of administering a new software.

New ERP implementations are incredibly disruptive to business. Among a flurry of concerns you likely have related to the function, best-fit, and performance of the new softwares you’re reviewing, I hope you find greater awareness of what you’re getting into by taking the time to address these five questions. Now’s the time — you have the attention of the software team, the power in negotiating for what you need, and the potential excitement from your internal team to harness and maximize to set your company up for success.

Have you been through this process? What questions would you add?

Are you a new ERP or Saas Administrator? Check out my series on best tips for those who find themselves now managing a software implementation.

